13th Age Game Looking For Players
As I mentioned in a previous post I am running a game on roll20. I have now opened the game to players and hope to start next Thursday.
13th Age / Blog / Roleplaying
As I mentioned in a previous post I am running a game on roll20. I have now opened the game to players and hope to start next Thursday.
13th Age / Blog / Featured / GM Tips / Roleplaying
Gathering the right players for your campaign is the first and sometimes most challenging task for a GM.
During combat rolling the same attack against the same opponent over and over again can quickly become boring. Let’s fix that
13th Age’s Escalation Die speeds up combat. This isn’t all it does and in this article I examine the other, less obvious, effects of the die.
Blog / Featured / Warcrow / Wargames
Warcrow: Or why I learned how to relax and enjoy custom dice.
May 10, 2024
Blog / Featured / Infinity / Miniatures / On the Workbench / Wargames
April 11, 2022
Blog / Featured / Infinity / Miniatures / On the Workbench / Wargames
April 4, 2022