
The Author at Work

The Author at Work

Hello, my name is Tyler Provick and I am a writer who enjoys games all sorts of tabletop games. I started this blog back in 2007 as a way to share the things I love. Generally I talk about whatever I’m working on at the time but occasionally I’m able to put together a coherent train of thought and write a how-to article or editorial.

Blogging, especially about such a tiny niche as tabletop gaming, is a lonely endevour. The best way to reward your favorite blogged for their efforts is to leave a comment on your favorite post.

The best way to follow my irregular posting schedule is to subscribe via RSS. I’ll also post WIP images and thoughts on Google+ or Twitter.

1 response

  1. Peter T. says:

    Hi, Tyler. The OMG Forum is down. Could you please check it? Thanks!

    Also, would it be possible for some OMG members to act as back-ups for you?

Even a short comment makes my day.

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