Weekly WIP: March 27 2022
The first post of the new regime. What an interesting week it has been. I’ve kept up with my painting while simultaneously trying to learn ZettelKasten and Obsidian. Dig into those at your own peril.
Infinity Nomad Sombra
I really enjoyed painting the platonic solids on the back of this Infinity Sombra from Corvus Belli. I was tempted to add some freehand markings to the cylinder, a simple line around the circumference, but decided not to. I have been adding more freehand to my painting and while this is a good subject I will let my moods guide me in this regard.
I did experiment with my paint scheme. I don’t paint every Nomad the same. This would be an impossible challenge as their outfits differ wildly between models and they are not regular soldiers in uniform. However, there are a few motifs I try to keep such as orange, contrasting cold and warm reds, they steel blue-grey colour I love, green weapon furniture.
In this case, instead of adding some blue to the Kimera Red I normally use I started with Kimera Magenta. This gave me a cold red without dirtying it up. I like the effect and will probably continue.
Infinity Ariadna Zenit-7
The Zenit-7 was an interesting miniature to paint because I attempted a simple camo scheme on the poncho. Camo can be difficult because you don’t want it to be so effective it makes the forms difficult to distinguish, but you also want it to be visibly camo. I don’t think I nailed it but since my philosophy is to “improve on the next one” instead of seeking perfection I will learn from it and move on.
Infinity Nomad Hellcat
This is the last of the Nomad models from the Operation Crimson Stone box. Once this is done all I’ll have left is the Ariadna Para-Commando.
The Para-Commando was mispacked so it wasn’t assembled and primed with the rest of the box. I’m going to prime it along side a Conquest Konungyr which is in my backlog, before buying anything new.
I had a timeline for this but I completely forgot I need to paint all the bases of these miniatures, so my already ambitious timeline is likely to get pushed by a week.
Maintaining a Painting Log
Once again I have returned to maintaining a painting log. I’ve started them from time to time and usually quickly abandon them. Time will tell if this new log will meet the same fate. I’ll explain the log and my reasoning in a future post. I wrote most of it to be included here but realized it had become far too large for the intention of these weekly posts.
Getting Back into Infinity
As may be obvious from the miniatures I’m painting I’ve returned to one of my long time favourite games: Infinity. I’ve been “playing” since the second edition, with playing here meaning I’d sometimes buy a few miniatures and think about playing again but bounce off the fact that I didn’t have a full list and would likely need to replace a large portion of what I did have painted to make one.
Now I’ve accepted the fact that there is no “list” for Infinity. It’s a collection of miniatures which you choose from to make lists for specific missions, and proxying, as much as I dislike it, is the name of the game.
Personally my goal will be to eliminate proxies from my lists as much as possible. It’s not that I’m against the concept and don’t want anyone to proxy. However, my focus is on the aesthetics of miniature gaming, so using the right models, painted, is how I want to play.
Well, that’s if for this week. I’m not sure if next week will be as long. Since this is the first time posting in a while I’ve had a lot to discuss. Next week, if I’m still painting Infinity I may not have as much to talk about.
Appreciate it. As always your painting is very good.
One comment, the Sombra photo carrousel started on the finished figure, rather than one of the stages, so it made it a bit odd to see it less finished as I clicked through.
Thanks for the comment.
The Zenit-7 photos work the same way. This is intentional: Start with the finished results and then the WIP. It actually goes: finished miniature then 1st step, 2nd step, etc.
The idea is that they see what the results are to induce them to watch the process. However, if they skim without clicking I’d rather they see the finished paintjob and miss the WIP, rather than see the WIP and miss the finished work.
Originally I hadn’t bothered with captions but added them to help orientate people into what order the images were presented.
That makes sense, although it is a little strange to see the paint go away 😉