Weekly WIP: April 3rd 2022
I am cautiously excited about Corvus Belli’s recently announced fantasy skirmish game, Warcrow.
There is precious little details beyond:
- A Kickstarter for a dungeon crawler boardgame will happen in the Fall.
- A wargame version will be released GenCon 2023.
- The initial box will be plastics similar to their Aristae! game, everything else will be Siocast. Although apparently it isn’t.
- Miniatures and dice mechanics compatible between wargame and boardgame.
- Dice are speciality dice, which some people are very mad about but doesn’t bother me.
- 15-20 units per player in the wargame.
Most of this information comes from the infamous Infinity Forum which I will monitor so you don’t have to.
I’m interested. More in the wargame than the dungeon crawler, and definitely not as a Kickstarter.
Infinity Nomad Hellcat
What a difference a week makes, or rather, work makes, in my painting speed. I somehow went from finishing a model every couple of days to taking a week to finish one. When I was off I didn’t really paint for longer, I just managed to fit a couple of extra painting sessions in each day. Almost makes me wish I could paint full-time. Almost.
On this model I leaned even harder into the warm-red and cold-red split. Once again I used Magenta as the base for the cold red but it feels pinker than last week’s Sombra. Meanwhile the warm red ended up hitting orange rather than the brick red I was looking for.
This is the natural outcome of my undisciplined blending. I’m not trying to match anything specific so I just let the paints mix as the mood strikes me. If I did want to get closer to an example colour I’m able to.
I am continuing to try to add interest to models with freehand. You’ll never improve at anything if you don’t practice, so the more freehand I add the better my skills will become. Doing it when it doesn’t matter lets me get that practice in without pressure.
Infinity Ariadna Para-Commando
The last miniature of the Crimson Stone box set for Infinity. I really hope to get this more or less finished this Sunday or Monday at the latest. If I can and I can finish the Conquest Konungyr I can pick up my next project: A unit of Trolls for Conquest.
This is an interesting model in that it has very few colours. Even compared to other Ariadna models, which have a basic colour scheme, I feel like it uses even fewer colours. I’ve already rendered both the mid and dark greens. This means I have mid grey, light grey, black-grey, blue, weapons, visor and tubes left.
I’ve spoken about flatting before and while the reasons I gave for using it are still valid I find I must enjoy how easy it makes the rest of the painting process. It is a map of how to paint the model and every time I sit down I just have to pick which colour I’m going to render. Being able to ease that decision-making process really translates into a smoother start to a painting session, which translates into making me more likely to start a painting session, which leads to getting more minis painted faster.
This week, compared to last week, really shows my normal painting speed. I’m happy with it, and happy that I’m writing me second weekly wip post. Soon I’ll have to actually write a non-weekly wip post but for now I’m satisfied just to update this blog frequently enough to not have to introduce my articles with an apology for not posting.