13th Age Game Looking For Players
As I mentioned in a previous post I am running a game on roll20. I have now opened the game to players and hope to start next Thursday.
13th Age / Blog / Roleplaying
As I mentioned in a previous post I am running a game on roll20. I have now opened the game to players and hope to start next Thursday.
13th Age / Blog / Featured / GM Tips / Roleplaying
Gathering the right players for your campaign is the first and sometimes most challenging task for a GM.
13th Age’s Escalation Die speeds up combat. This isn’t all it does and in this article I examine the other, less obvious, effects of the die.
Blog / Editorial / Featured / Roleplaying
Indie RPGs are meant to empower players and GMs in creating stories but I find they often don’t live up to the hype.
Blog / Featured / Warcrow / Wargames
Warcrow: Or why I learned how to relax and enjoy custom dice.
May 10, 2024
Blog / Featured / Infinity / Miniatures / On the Workbench / Wargames
April 11, 2022
Blog / Featured / Infinity / Miniatures / On the Workbench / Wargames
April 4, 2022