Weekly WIP: Guild Ball Masons Honour and Mallet
Once again I felt that I wasn’t getting much done in the week but in the end I still ended up on track.
Part of the “problem” was that I had spent the previous week painting a QF 6 pdr for Bolt Action and was technically behind on my Guild Ball project. In order to get back on track I had decided to paint two Guild Ball miniatures at the same time.

I don’t paint blue often so I always forget how differently it behaves compared to other colours. Guild Ball Masons Mallet and Honour by Steamforged Games.
Deciding to paint two models at the same time wasn’t just a response to trying to fit the Bolt Action model into my painting queue while keeping on track. I am also hoping to finish early for no other reason than I think I can. Now that I’ve been painting the Masons I’m confident I’ll be able to increase my speed. Their outfits are simpler than the Brewers before even considering that I don’t have to spend so much time painting tartan.
The brown straps were painted on Wednesday and then I didn’t touch the brush again the rest of the week. This is when I started fearing that I was going to fall behind again. The problem was that Friday was busy with board games and Saturday with a painting demo at Boutique FDB.

There isn’t much to paint brown except for Mallet’s shoes, pouches and the weapon shafts. Guild Ball Masons Mallet and Honour by Steamforged Games.
With more than a little ego I thought to myself that I probably didn’t need to be there for a painting demo. While there is still many things about painting that I can learn my reason to attend was motivated by a desire to spend time with fellow painters more than listen to beginner techniques. I assembled my painting supplies and decided I would try to paint at the store. Not only would it be a pleasant experience but maybe I could catch up on my Guild Ball painting. I hoped that I wasn’t being rude painting instead of paying attention to the seminar.

There are areas where the metal could be done better but it looks like metal to me and matches the level of the rest of the miniature. Guild Ball Masons Mallet and Honour by Steamforged Games.
The first thing the organizer said when I arrived was something along the lines of “What do I have to teach you?” When I explained that I thought that I’d paint he replied that he’d hoped people would come to paint. I guess I wasn’t going to be rude after all. That said, there is plenty to learn from anyone willing to teach and we are close enough in skill that I can’t tell if I am a better painter, or only thing that I am a better painter.
Normally I like Boutique FDB’s lighting. They have bright florescent lights generously scattered around the store plus large windows letting in copious amount of lights. One of the many reasons I prefer to play there has to do with the lighting. If I’m going to spend so much time and effort painting miniatures I want to be able to see them when I’m playing.
Painting at FDB is a different experience. Now the windows are an impediment, throwing my miniature into silhouette and making it very difficult to see. I think that the better I get at painting the more small issues become major difficulties. I felt completely blind and spent more time blending by feel and glazes than I normally would. I did have to remind myself that I wasn’t giving a seminar of NMM painting and things didn’t need to be perfect.

A last few touches and the miniatures are done. Guild Ball Masons Mallet and Honour by Steamforged Games.
Sunday was just a few finishing touches and I’m back on track for completing my project on schedule. Depending on the demands of the Bolt Action escalation league I may even get ahead of schedule. Painting two figures in one week can really take a huge chunk of time off.
I really like this color scheme. Will probably lift it for my own Mason’s that I’m about to start.
Would you mind telling me which colors you used? Particularly the soft parts and armor?
Thanks Mark. The bright blue is just Dark Blue. I likely added some chocolate brown along with black to shade, and Pale Sand for highlights. The metal is a mix of Dark Sea Grey and Light Turquoise. I mix them by eye to get the shade I light and shadow with chocolate brown and black and highlight with pale sand and white. Hope that helps.