There’s nothing I love more than learning new miniature painting techniques. I should be happy with choosing a technique which works for me and perfect it. Instead, once I feel that I understand a technique it doesn’t interest me as much. Then I see someone else’s miniature and I want to figure out how they painted that miniature. My favorite section of other people’s blogs are the painting techniques and tutorials. Since I want to have a website that I’d want to read I must have my own section.
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- Forget Blending: How Light Really Works September 2015
- 5 Newbie Tips for Airbrushing August 2015
- You Have Too Many Paints: How to Build Your Palette August 2015
- 6 Safety Myths You Believe April 2015
- Airbrushing Deadzone Terrain March 2015
- Why Does Acrylic Paint Chip? March 2015
- A Hidden Gem: Golden High Flow Acrylics February 2015
- Part Holders for Painting February 2015
- Painting Tips: Lean over fat August 2014
- Miniature Painting Tips – Applying Multiple Coats July 2014
- Deadzone Painting Tip: Glazing July 2014
- Improve Your Painting By Brush Priming July 2014
- Quick Sandable Filler July 2014
- The Art of Fine Brush Control November 2013