Weekly WIP: Stave, Scum and Spigot
Last week I was a lightly stressed that I was falling behind on my Guild Ball painting goals. It took me from Monday to Sunday to paint Friday but Stave took me from Monday to Tuesday; an extra two days. I had originally estimated a week per miniature and thus three months to paint both 6 player teams from the Kick Off box. It was a rough estimate but as time passed I took it as a challenge.
I must admit that when it came to Stave I spent more time smoothing blends than I should. My self-imposed goal conflicted my desire to enjoy the painting process. At least with Scum I could paint him fast. I airbrushed him the same night I painted Stave’s beer foam and a could of days later finished all the detailing.
I tried to add some fur texture with the highlight but it came out to crudely painted. Fine for a wargame piece but not what I intended.
This morning I started by flatting Spigot. It’s interesting how little the flatting process reflects the final miniature. I had hoped that Scum would have saved me more time but it turns out it just let me have a few nights off when I wasn’t filling well. At least I’m back on track.
Hey Tyler, great paintjob man and i like the colour scheme of your Brewers :)!
How did you make the skin colour, in which steps and what colours did you use?
Best regards and i want to paint my Kick Off models also. Just based and primed them today ^^!
Thanks for the comment.
The skin of my Brewers varied depending on the model. I believe that Stave was Cavalry Brown and Beige Red from Vallejo Model Colours. I add Dark Blue and Black for the shadows and Pale Sand for the highlights. My normal skin colour is Mahogany Brown and Beige Red.
You can see a step-by-step of how I paint flesh here: http://tyler.provick.ca/blog/blending-step-by-step-batman-joker-thug/. For the Guild Ball miniatures I spent less time blending with glazes to save time.