Weekly WIP: Guild Ball Hooper
This week really flew by and I didn’t get as much painting completed as I would like. I think I’m still on target for finishing Hooper today.
With how well last week went I decided it might be good to knock off a ball at the same time. When I primed the model I thought that the right hand was strangely over-scale. Considering how well sculpted the miniatures in the Kick Off boxed set are I found it odd to see such a mistake. When I started flatting I realized that Ol’ Hooper was wearing a heavy leather glove. I didn’t notice the glove in the card art as it mostly obscured by the stats.
Keeping on from last week I’m trying to complete at least two areas every evening. I’m not painting longer so I’m having to work faster to finish what I want to finish, no more spending too much time trying to get perfect blends.
Based on my experiences painting the Brewers Guild I would recommend anyone who wishes to get better at freehand paint a bunch of miniatures with a tartan pattern. Where I started painstakingly painting lines and carefully thickening them I am now painting the lines in stronger, more confident strokes. For the majority of miniature painting brush pressure isn’t an important consideration. Sure, we may catch edges with a light brush to highlight but controlling the thickness of a painted line by carefully controlling brush pressure is a skill which I had not yet strongly developed.
Bolt Action
In addition to painting and running a demo game of Guild Ball I also managed to get my first game of Bolt Action. When the 2nd Edition was announced there were a few people talking about playing. I picked up the book myself this Thursday and took part in my first league game this Sunday. I’m planning a slightly more detailed battle report for the Dice Devils’ blog but I will say my dice were hot and an assault a better player would never have attempted ended up winning me the game.
I had fun and am excited about how open Bolt Action’s army building is. What I didn’t realize is that I’ve entered a slow-grow league which means I need to field more points for the next game. I have two weeks to locate and paint the miniatures I need and I am determined not to derail by Guild Ball project.