Mantic Warpath Kickstarter: Operation Heracles
Mantic is at it again with another Kickstarter. Currently my copy of their Dungeon Saga Kickstarter is on a slow boat from China so I can’t yet speak personally for the quality of their deliverables. I do have a retail copy of Deadzone and the amount of stuff I am expecting for the base pledge level for Dungeon Saga should leave me satisfied. I skipped the Deadzone expansion Kickstarter and I’m likely to skip this one too.
The reasons for this are because I don’t want to back another Kickstarter until at least one of the three that I’ve backed have delivered, because I prefer to make small investments into games so I’m not playing something I hate because I spent a tonne of money on it, and because I’m not looking to play another miniature game. Or am I?
You see, lately I’ve been enjoying a regular game night for either Infinity the Game or the Batman Miniature Game. I don’t know if you are aware, but it is really fun to play miniature wargames. This makes me want to play more, and being on top of my painting for both Infinity and BMG makes me think that another wargame would be fun. Instead of a skirmish game perhaps a massed battle sci-fi or fantasy game.
This is of course completely forgetting the Heavy Gear Kickstarter I am expecting which would fulfill some of my urge. Even though I’ve only now remembered Heavy Gear I’m still going to finish this post.My early experiences with Games Workshop has conditioned me towards the purchase of a large box when I start a game. I acknowledge the superiority of being able to purchase the rules and the specific miniatures you want for your army over being forced to buy an expensive box with models for two factions you may never use as was the case in the golden years of Games Workshop with such games as 2nd Edition Warhammer 40 000, Epic 40 000, Necromunda and Mordheim. Still, when I see something packaged as a two player starter set it’ll always draw my attention.
Case in point, Mantic recently posted the first of a two part series on the contents of their Operation Heracles two-player starter for the new edition of Warpath. It is included as a backer reward in their Kickstarter. It isn’t enough for me to change my mind but I know I’m eagerly awaiting part two.
Anyone thinking about investing in Warpath? I’ve been keeping it on my radar but haven’t looked into it seriously. If I do decide to start a new game I think it will have to be one that has a community already at my local store, or one is about to develop. Leave me a comment with your thoughts. You can also find me on Google+ and Twitter. Don’t forget to subscribe for more.
Warpath, Operaton Heracles and Enforcer Jetbikes copyright 2015 Mantic Entertainment Ltd. Jetbike image used without permission.