Weekly WIP: Waiting for Saga
I haven’t done much these past few weeks because I was so excited about the imminent arrival of my Saga rules and miniatures that I didn’t have the mental energy to think about other projects. After weeks of waiting I’ve just received word that my order is almost ready. Almost ready to ship.
Apparently Gripping Beast has been so busy prepping for Salute that an order placed April 3rd hasn’t shipped by the 24th. This is assuming that the store who has placed the order for me isn’t covering their own mistakes. Now I’m only mildly annoyed and acknowledge my own feelings of entitlement but if I had known it was going to take this long I could have probably started and completed a small project in the meantime. I didn’t because I felt my hobby money and time was going to be completely occupied with Saga.
I wasn’t completely idle, however, and managed to participate in, but not play, a game of Saga with my local group. It was the first time that I was able to attend a large event and meet the majority in person so I had a great time. Since I didn’t have any models I wasn’t playing. Instead of focused on helping out with rules interpretations as everyone learnt the rules together. We made plenty of mistakes but fewer than if I hadn’t helped.
At the same event I was able to teach a game of Guild Ball. As my most recently project where I successfully completed two full forces within a reasonable time period I’m still trying to find more opponents for the game. There has been some activity within the somewhat dormant Guild Ball community lately as well. Alas I didn’t take advantage assuming that if my Saga arrived I’d be much more interested in starting on it than playing Guild Ball.
Since I am terrible at Guild Ball and always will be I lost to the player I was teaching. This is the problem with games that reward player skill over dice luck: I can’t rely on dice luck to win me the game. Which is amusing because my dice luck is pretty poor.
Saga Arrives
This post languished for a week because I just didn’t have the energy to complete it. Last night my Saga order arrived and I’ve already assembled 10 warriors for my Anglo-Dane warband. Tonight I hope to prime them early enough in the evening to start painting them tonight. My goal is to exceed my previous best for painting speed and knock the entire warband out in short order. Thankfully my research into the clothing worn during the period hasn’t turned up much in the way of patterned cloth which greatly simplifies the painting process.
Glad to hear that your waiting for Saga… saga has ended. đŸ˜‰