Weekly WIP 2: Joker Knife Clown
Of course after making a big deal about splitting up my Weekly WIP due to length I didn’t really paint much more, or rather, I painted small things which didn’t really warrant a picture.
This is why I am leary about making daily WIP posts: if I don’t paint every day there will be gaps. I’ll wait for some comments on my last post before I make up my mind about weekly vs monthly. Maybe people wouldn’t mind the gaps.
Back to the miniature at hand. My Joker knife clown is essentially finished. I added the black border to his base last night and all that remains is to give him a coat of matte varnish.
That is unless I decide to give him tattoos. I really should, it would fit with a career criminal who decided to throw in with the Joker. To be honest it would probably look off without them.
Ok, here is my thought process: if I paint the tattoos I could mess up the work I’ve done. I really wanted my Batman Miniature Game miniatures to have the best paint jobs I can manage. Which means if I do paint the tattoos poorly that is still the best I can do and that is all right. You don’t get better by avoiding the skills that you are weak at. If this were a competition miniature I would probably avoid the risk but it isn’t.
This means that the only thing holding me back is that I’d love to be finished and starting on the next model. So it’s decided then, I’m going to paint the tattoos at the risk of ruining the miniature and just chalk it up to practice if I do.
What would you do in my place? Leave a comment or find me on Twitter or Google Plus. Don’t forget to subscribe to see how things turn out.