Do You Like Sticky Posts?
Hey, I have a quick question for you? Do you like the sticky posts feature on blogs? It keeps a post up longer so that something like Organizing Board Games stays front and center while small posts like this one show below it.
My worry is that it becomes harder to see when the site in updated. Is it worthwhile to make the site harder to read when making it look better? Will people looking for the latest article be effected? I mean, someone who’s following the blog should be doing so through RSS. There’s just no better way to follow a blog. I used to put all my blogs in a bookmark folder and use the “open all in tabs” function of Firefox. It was a pain. Websites which updated infrequently would fall off the radar while if I didn’t check my blogs daily I would often miss content.
This means that the Sticky post is more a function of getting new users to the best content quickly. In this case sticky posts are good.
You tell me. Are the sticky posts getting in the way of you reading the site? How do you read this site, through RSS or by checking for updates from time to time? Please leave a comment.
I use RSS to keep tabs on my blogs (including this one). Personally, the sticky posts were a little confusing to me at first. I came to the blog thinking, hadn’t I already seen that one? It can get even more confusing if it’s been 2 or 3 posts since I’ve last visited and sticky posts are intermingled. But now that I understand the why, I’m sure things will make more sense.